Tuesday, 19 April 2016

CHAPTER 9: HITLER’S FEMININE CHARACTERISTICS, Amazon eBook, The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler

PSYCHIATRIC EXPERTS have suggested that the whole “Fuhrer personality” was a grossly exaggerated and distorted conception of masculinity as Hitler believed it to be. In other words, he acted the way he thought men were supposed to behave. He had completely rejected his father as a role model at a young age so in one sense he had no other choice. Unfortunately, Hitler’s version of “manhood” was far removed from normal behavior and he could not hide his feminine characteristics completely. You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon here.

The Nizkor Project (1943) authors said: “Undoubtedly he would like to be such a [masculine] person in reality and believes that he actually is that person but he deceives himself. This personality has been created unconsciously as a compensation and cover-up for deep-lying tendencies which he despises. This mechanism always serves the purpose of denying the true self by creating an image which is diametrically opposite [to reality] and then identifying with the image.” Read review of book here
MUM’S THE WORD: Hitler took on a mothering role with the young boys in the Hitler Youth

They concluded: “The great difference between Hitler and thousands of other hysterics is that he managed to convince millions of other people that the image was true. The more he was able to convince them, the more he became convinced of it himself on the theory that 80 million Germans can’t be wrong.” (Ibid.)

Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde
There were “two people” at work inside Hitler who were constantly battling each other for dominance...

The book is 498 pages long and costs €5.25. The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler is available to buy on Amazon here.

CAMP AS YOU LIKE: Adolf Hitler posing in unmanly fashion for a photograph by Heinrich Hoffman (who apparently took more than a million photos of his boss)