TO DADDY: Hitler was old enough to be her father
FIRST SUICIDAL TEENAGER romantically linked with Adolf Hitler was Maria
“Mimi” Reiter. (1911- 1992). She gave her story to the German
periodical Der Spiegel magazine in 1959. Read review of book here
their time together, Hitler romped like a child in the woods with
her, fed her cream cakes from a spoon, placed her hand on his crotch
during a drive in his Mercedes, horse-whipped his dog in front of her
and asked her to call him “Wolf”, the name he used when traveling
incognito. Reiter tried to hang herself when Hitler lost interest in
You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon here.
You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon here.
Maria Reiter attempted suicide aged 16
Four years after her suicide attempt, Reiter claimed they spent
one night of passion together in a Munich hotel but also said “his
sexual tastes were too extreme for her” and they never met again.
She was the only one of Hitler’s suicidal girlfriends known to have
lived until old age. She died in 1992, aged 81.
The book is 498 pages long and costs €5.25. The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler is available to buy on Amazon here.