Tuesday, 19 April 2016

CHAPTER 3: HITLER’S FIRST BOYFRIEND, AUGUST KUBIZEK, Amazon eBook, The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler

“THROUGHOUT HIS EARLY adult life [up to the age of 37], in Vienna, in the Army, in Munich, in Landsberg Prison, the informants of all these periods make a point that Hitler had absolutely no interest in women or any contact with them.” (Nizkor Project: 1943)

SUBMISSIVE PARTNER: August Kubizek aged 18; he was devoted to his friend Adolf until he was suddenly dumped after a four year relationship
In his autobiography (The Young Hitler I Knew: 1953) August Kubizek wrote about Hitler’s sexuality and what he said spoke volumes. “I lived side by side with Adolf when he grew from a boy of fifteen to a young man. He confided to me things that he had told to no one, not even his mother. As far back as the days in Linz, our friendship was so intimate that I should have noticed if he had actually made the acquaintance of a girl. He would have had less time for me, his interests would have taken a different direction. I think I can say, with certainty, Adolf never met a girl, either in Linz or in Vienna, who actually gave herself to him.”  You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon here.

Yet, Dr. Robert G. L. Waite (Psychopathic God: 1977) said Hitler enjoyed talking about sex in general and “was particularly interested in deviant sexual behavior”. And Kubizek confessed in a private letter to a friend that Hitler “chattered by the hour about depraved [sexual] customs”.

In 1908, when they left Linz, the two romantic young men lived together in a small room on Stumpergasse, a run-down area of Vienna. Jewish reporter, H.R. Trevor-Roper said: “A common love of music and a romantic friendship kept them together but Hitler was always the dominant one, with Kubizek the recessive partner.” Read review of book here

FANTASY GIRLFRIEND: Stephanie Isak, who had Jewish ancestors, became the model for Hitler’s ideal “Aryan woman”
When their “exclusive friendship” ended suddenly in November 1908, a heartbroken Kubizek said that during their time together, Hitler would often “torment himself” and “wallow deeper and deeper in self-criticism and self-accusation”. He also said that for several years, he felt desolate at not being able to see him.

The book is 498 pages long and costs €5.25.
You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon by clicking here.