NAZI, Otto Strasser (Gangsters
around Hitler: 1942)
said Hitler was not a homosexual in the ordinary sense but was
probably impotent with both sexes. “His perversion has quite a
different nature which few have guessed. He is an extreme masochist
who derives sexual pleasure from having a woman squat over him while
she urinates or defecates on his face.”
TO BEING GAY: Hitler tried to become completely heterosexual in his
late thirties with disastrous consequences for most of the
women he courted
Walter C. Langer et al
suggested Hitler
derived a perverse pleasure from antagonizing his father even though
when he did so, he knew he would be punished with either a whip or a
belt. They said Hitler played the passive role; “his behavior was
submissive and masochistic in the extreme as he derives sexual
pleasure from punishment inflicted on his own body.” Read review of book here
Robert G. L. Waite (Psychopathic
God: 1977) said:
“Hitler showed a tendency to stereotype male and female traits
which is an expression of sadomasochistic impulses. In private
conversation and public speeches he revealed how constantly his...You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon here.
EAGLE’S NEST: It was Hitler’s version of a claustrum or womb where he went to commune with his subconscious and to get away from the real world |
The book is 498 pages long and costs €5.25. The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler is available to buy on Amazon here.