Tuesday, 19 April 2016

CHAPTER 11: HITLER’S HEALTH - ADDICTIONS & OBSESSIONS, Amazon eBook, The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler

ADOLF HITLER WAS OBSESSED by syphilis and devoted many pages in Mein Kampf (1925) to its perils. Some scholars have suggested that his mother Klara’s side of the Hitler family may have had a strain of the disease.

Blow-up sex dolls

Hitler was so obsessed by his fear of syphilis, he provided Nazi soldiers with blow-up sex dolls to combat the disease. The dolls were smaller than life-size and could easily fit into a soldier’s backpack. The Nazi’s initially approached Hungarian actress, Kathe von Nagy to serve as a model for the dolls but when she refused, they chose a blue-eyed blonde version to “comfort” soldiers... Read review of book here
KATHE VON NAGY refused to be the Nazi's model for a blow-up sex doll

Master of the syringe

Hitler was known as “Master of the Syringe” because of the number of injections his doctor gave him each day....He was addicted to “uppers and downers”.His medical physician, Dr. Theodor Morell also said he had longstanding abdominal problems which included stomach cramps, gas, constipation and diarrhea. For his chronic gastro-intestinal cramps he took massive amounts of a drug to fight flatulence [farting].

Historians have also recorded that he had polyps removed from his vocal chords twice; had high blood pressure and suffered from hepatitis, which was triggered by a blockage around his gall bladder. You can buy The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler on Amazon here.

Some of the unusual medical remedies he resorted to included enemas for his constipation and leeches for blood complaints. Then around the age of 35, he developed Parkinson’s disease which became debilitating during WW2, and in 1944, he suffered from a minor heart attack, all of which was kept hidden from theGerman media...

DRUG PUSHER: Dr. Theodor Morell tested new medicines on his boss and injected him with up to 82 different types of drugs during their doctor-patient relationship

The book is 498 pages long and costs €5.25. The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler is available to buy on Amazon here.